Tuesday Tutoring

FREE Tutoring & Interactive Learning on Tuesdays during September & October (9/10/19 – 10/22/19)

Tuesday Tutoring offers free English tutoring classes for both adults and children.

Conversational English Tutoring for Adults

Increase fluency in conversational English discussing a variety of cultural topics, with a focus on pronunciation, vocabulary and common phrases. Tutors will work with one-to-three students using ESL lesson material that is conversational and promotes tutor-student interactions.

American Entertainment class for Adults

Learn about and discuss American popular music and movies (everything from The Avengers to pop music) through interactive presentation by a specialist in American entertainment.

American Customs and Holidays class for Adults

Learn about American customs, values and celebrations in an interactive discussion group led by an American citizen. Compare American practices and attitudes with your culture and other cultures.

ESL for Children

English learning designed for children ages 5 through 12 utilizing fun activities, such as games, singing and other child-oriented English experiences.

Dates: Tuesdays, September 10 – October 22, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm

To register, contact Norm at normanfichtenberg@hotmail.com.
Click here for more information on the 2018 Fall Tutoring Program.