We are a Christian community that gathers just north of the University of Michigan’s North Campus in Ann Arbor for worship and spiritual formation.
We are a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church of North America. We subscribe to the ecumenical creeds of the historic Christian faith and the historic confessions of the Reformed Church.
Jesus is our Lord & Savior
We gather in the name of Jesus. We believe that through Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension, God is redeeming the world. In response to this wonderful gift of reconciliation, we gladly offer ourselves to Jesus and submit to his Lordship to participate in God’s work of reconciliation, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture is our Story
We learn and teach about God through the story of the Bible. This story is a special revelation from God about who God is and who we are. In its Old and New Testaments, we are shown that we belong to a loving God and are told the story of redemption, grace, and peace. This story is also our story. We lament with the Psalms, we grow angry with the prophets, and we find hope in the good news of Jesus.
Worship is our Life
We gather each week to center our lives in the Triune God of Grace. In song, prayer, word, and the table, we participate in the story of God’s love. And then, we are sent out again, renewed in heart and mind to be God’s people in every part of the world.
Covenant is our Context
The church is not a voluntary association of like-minded individuals: we are held together by God’s covenant with us. This means we commit to learn about each other, to celebrate our God-given differences, and face new challenges together with confidence that God has united us in Jesus Christ.
Mission is our Calling
For God so loved the world that God gave the world Jesus. Now, Jesus calls the Church to give of itself and participate in the healing and redemption of the world. Therefore, we are a community that serves the world and one another, longs for justice and works for change, seeks to care for creation and all its inhabitants, and makes room for all to experience the transformative love of God in Christ. We do this because we have the sure hope that God will make all things new.
Want to hear it in our own words?
Take a look at this short film of our own people reflecting on what it’s been like to be part of this community.
AACRC Inclusion Statement
We lament discrimination and prejudice, both corporate and personal, that denies basic human rights or restricts opportunities to flourish.
We affirm that every human being is created in the image of God and therefore has equal value and worth.
We affirm our belief that discrimination based on race, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status is a rejection of God's intention that we live in unity.
We affirm our intention to invite and welcome everyone who comes through our doors to join us in responding to God's invitation to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
We affirm that we are called by God to work for justice and equality and to oppose discrimination in all its forms -- and thus we also affirm our intention to advocate for the needs of those who suffer discrimination in our community, our country and our world.
We affirm that God is calling us to reach across the lines of race, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status with respect, grace, understanding and love.
Biblical References: Genesis 1:26; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8; Luke 4:18-19; Romans 8:28-3I; Galatians 3:28-29; Galatians 5:14; 1 Peter 3:15
We’d love to welcome you!
Join us any Sunday at 10:30am for worship, or contact us for more opportunities.
1717 Broadway
Ann Arbor, MI 48105