At Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church, we seek to live out the love of the Triune God through compassion, reconciliation, and justice in our community and the world, through partnership with local and global ministries.
Social Justice Team
The mission of the AACRC Social Justice team is to encourage, inform, educate, equip and mobilize members of the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church to work for justice wherever God places us and calls us to follow him. Our work is guided principally by the five justice areas identified by the OSJRR — racial justice and reconciliation, creation care, criminal justice reform, hunger and poverty, and immigration reform.
Rotating Shelter
For two consecutive weeks each year, AACRC hosts the Rotating Shelter, a program of the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County. The Rotating Shelter provides a comfortable, overnight space for men experiencing homelessness during the cold months. Our church community provides hospitality for the men through snacks and warm meals, a quiet place to sleep, and conversation for those who desire it during their stay.
Food & Faith Garden
Our church is responding to God’s call to let justice flow like a river, especially as it relates to hunger and poverty, by planting a garden on our property. This garden provides a hands-on approach to doing God’s work of justice in our community. Volunteers build, plant and tend the garden. The produce gathered is donated to Food Gatherers, a food bank and food rescue program serving Washtenaw County.
Friendship Ministry
Friendship Ministry is a program designed to provide loving support and fellowship for young people and adults with special needs. We meet twice each month at the church for a time of singing, Bible instruction, prayer, and just plain fun. Students and their teachers benefit from one-on-one relationships.