Partnering To Serve

At Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church we seek to live out the love of the Triune God through compassion, reconciliation, and justice in our community and the world. This gets lived out through local and global partnerships.

Email Mission Action Team (MAT) at
View service and donation opportunities at Serving With Our Partners
View newsletters at Partner Newsletters
(Some partners have requested to not be listed on a public website. For more information, contact one of the deacons or MAT members.)

Campus Chapel – Ann Arbor, MI
Rev. Matt Ackerman – Campus Chapel Pastor – Director of the Center for Faith and Scholarship

Matt Ackerman is the Campus Chapel Pastor. He’s a graduate of Calvin College and Princeton Theological Seminary and has been involved in campus ministry in some capacity for most of his life. His hometown is Seattle, Washington, though he spent many of his formative years in State College, Pennsylvania. He’s married to Marianne, a special education teacher originally from Cleveland, Ohio, and they’re parents to a rambunctious toddler.

Pastor Matt is always up for a cup of coffee, so feel free to send him an email at or just stop by.

Campus Chapel
1236 Washtenaw Ct
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Matt & Marianne Ackerman
119 Longman Lane
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Campus Chapel
Campus Chapel Facebook Page
Center for Faith and Scholarship

Community Assistance Program (CAP)

CAP is an agency located in the Nardin Park Neighborhood in Detroit that provides financial assistance, food and clothing to individuals and families who are in need. AACRC participates in several of their programs including CAP Closet (donations of good used clothing), Thanksgiving Day meals, Spring Produce Run and food collection.
Michael Anderson
(313) 834-6633

DAAM/Detroit’s Afro-American Mission
Detroit, MI ~ Maud & Duchess Robinson

Founded by Haman and Malettor Cross in 1964 and now under the supervision of Maud and Duchess Robinson, DAAM is Christ-centered and committed to reaching families for Christ. Located in the North End Neighborhood in Detroit, its ministry is devoted to meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the poor in surrounding neighborhoods while promoting and encouraging general rescue mission work in the City of Detroit and nearby suburbs. The ministry includes Sunday School, Sunday morning worship services, Tuesday Outreach to the community with a hot meal, a message, food to take home and clothing as needed, Wednesday night Bible study, Vacation Bible School and summer camp for children.

1019 Clay Street
Detroit, Michigan 48211

Maud & Duchess Robinson
19321 Bentler Street
Detroit, Michigan 48219

Family Life Services

Family Life Services is a Christian pro-life non-profit ministry. It empowers women to make informed, life-affirming choices by providing the following for free: pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, education on pregnancy options, referrals to outside resources, baby and maternity supplies, parenting classes, support for healthy relationships, individualized care for women who have experienced pregnancy loss through miscarriage or abortion, and a scripture-based peer sharing group.
Family Life Services…
Yari Cherney
(734) 434-3088

Friends In Deed (FID)

Friends in Deed is an interfaith organization that responds to unmet needs of low-income Washtenaw County residents. They partner with the community to provide critical financial assistance, furniture, congregational services and agency referrals.

FID Circles Program – Circles is a unique program that is based on the premise that developing meaningful relationships across socio-economic lines can have a dramatic impact on the effort to move families out of poverty. Knowing that relationships and connections matter, the Circles program matches a person in poverty with at least three middle or upper income partners for at least 18 months to build relationships. The goal of these relationships is to break the cycle of generational poverty by creating circles of support and connections with people who are committed to making real change in our community.

Friends In Deed…
Phone: 734.484.4357
Contact Person: Sarah Thornburg

Habitat for Humanity-Huron Valley

Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley partners with potential homeowners to build a new life for themselves through decent, affordable homeownership.
Habitat for Humanity-Huron Valley…
Phone: 734.677.1558 ext 110
Contact Person: Carmen Yearby

Hesed Community Church

Hesed Community Church is a joint CRC/RCA faith community focused on discipleship, leadership development, and community development in Detroit neighborhoods. Mark Van Andel and Nate Bull provide leadership for this ministry. They have developed and empowered two local young adults as “ministry house supervisors” for outreach and Christian ministry in both the Brightmoor (west) and Morningside (east) neighborhoods. From these ministry houses, they provide prayer, bible study, discipleship, and physical needs (food, clothing, laundry, etc.) to their neighbors. It is their desire to continue to multiply a ministry presence in other disinvested neighborhoods through raising up additional gifted leaders who will have a vision for reaching their neighborhoods for Christ.

Hope Clinic

Hope Clinic is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian medical and social service organization. Its goal is to provide compassionate and practical help to those in need, ministering to the whole person. This includes providing comprehensive health and dental care and a range of other services aimed either at meeting basic needs or equipping people with the tools needed to improve the quality of their lives and/or to become self- sufficient.
Hope Clinic…
Phone: 734.485.5595
Contact Person: Doug Campbell
(734) 484-2989

Resonate Global Mission
Hungary ~ Jeff & Julie Bouman

Under the auspices of the ecumenical office of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Jeff will work in direct partnership with the Hungarian leadership at Kalunba as they provide welcome to refugees and asylum seekers in Hungary. He will also regularly teach courses in the Faculty of Humanities at Károli Gáspár University, and will assist the University Pastor in the work of providing spiritual care for university students.
Julie will use her gifts in teaching and administration to serve at Kalunba, while being on the lookout for opportunities to serve in other ways with her gifts of organization and literacy. We also hope to open our home for hospitality in the form of meals, Bible studies, book groups, and other opportunities for building human community together.

Our previous opportunities to live in Budapest a semester at a time (2011, 2014, 2019), have enabled us to develop relationships with many Hungarians who are now good friends. We have also established St. Columba’s Scottish Mission Church as our church away from home, which will now become our church home in Budapest.

Bouman’s Introduction to AACRC…
Read more about the Bouman’s vision and mission…
Boumans by the Danube

Resonate Global Mission
Costa Rica ~ Jim & Ruth Padilla-DeBorst

James and Ruth live in Casa Adobe, an intentional community working together to create a vision of God’s Kingdom here on earth, where friendships exist across distances, where justice becomes a visual practice, and where love is shared with friends and strangers alike.

Through local, regional, and global ministry, we seek to serve as catalysts for contextualized Kingdom worldview and transformational engagement:
-Locally, we are part of casa Adobe, an intentional Christian community seeking to live out the Good News in our neighborhood.
-Regionally, Jim co-leads the cohort of Missioners, through which young people from North and centralAmerica live, serve, and learn alongside one another.
-Continent-wide, we lead the Center for lnterdisciplinary Theological Studies, an educational program through which students explore together how their faith affects all aspectsof life.
-Globally, Ruth coordinates the lnternational Fellowship for Mission as Transformation, a community that nourishes mission through theological reflection.

Jim & Ruth Padilla-DeBorst
Apartado 349-1002
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America
CRWM – Padilla DeBorst
Facebook – Jim
Facebook – Ruth
Resonate Global Mission

Resonate Global Missions – Cohort Detroit
Nathan Groenewold

Cohort, a Resonate Global Mission experience for young adults to serve in a local grassroots ministry, launched in Detroit in January 2020. Cohort is already equipping young adults in Central America and the Middle East. Detroit is Cohort’s third location. Young adults have opportunities to serve in areas such as community development, discipleship, healthcare, and even coding. The service experience will be paired with reading, site visits, and thoughtful discussions about faith and how faith can influence ones’ work in the world. Cohort Detroit pairs those coming to serve from outside of the city with young adults who live in the city.
Nathan directs Cohort Detroit, an emerging program of Christian leadership development that–together with local Detroit partners, Ann Arbor CRC, and Resonate Global Mission–aims to raise up a new generation of diverse young adult leaders within Detroit neighborhoods who love God deeply, work for justice, and humbly serve their communities.
Nathan participated in Cohort Central America five years ago after graduating from university. He knows the importance of cross-cultural partnerships.
Nathan Groenewold
(616) 635-8957