Worship at Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church
10:30 AM Sunday worship, in-person and live-streamed
Weekly AnnArborCRC YouTube live-stream link found on our homepage aacrc.org, archived here
Worship is Our Life We gather together every week on Sunday morning to encounter the Triune God of Grace. All are welcome in this worship space where we are invited to come as we are, for Christ welcomes all. We give thanks to God in song, prayer, and word. We hear and participate in the story of God’s love. We gather around the table to celebrate the Eucharist. This is the meal Jesus gave as a sign that, just as he loved the world and gave himself for it, now we also give ourselves for the healing of the world.
In our worship you might find classic hymns paired with selections from the outpouring of contemporary Christian song over the past several decades, selections that mirror the global nature of our Christian faith. We enjoy a varying mix of piano, organ, instruments, praise band, and choral leadership in a contemporary (meaning relevant to our current time) Reformed worship service.
We hope that our worship ministers effectively to worshipers of all ages, with or without past church experience, a wide range of musical tastes, and any level of Bible knowledge. Whether you are searching for an in-depth, thoughtful message powerfully based on the truth of the Bible, an exuberant, praise-filled worship experience, or fellowship with other Christians who are also struggling with the realities of life in the culture of our age, Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church offers worship that will touch the spirit of each person who steps with us into the presence of God.
For more information or to find previous sermon recordings or live-streams of worship
Worship FAQs
Feel free to call the church office at (734) 665-0105 or email office@aacrc.org if you have any questions.
If you are interested in sharing your musical or other gifts in worship leadership, Pastor Noah, noah@aacrc.org, would love to hear from you.