Tag: house groups

House Groups – Lent 2022

During Lent our House Groups will be reading The Love that is God by Frederick Bauerschmidt. If you are not in a group, you can still join for this session. Please contact Ross Weener (rweener@aacrc.org). If you are currently in a group, you can pick up your book in the church office.

House Groups begin September 19

Looking to dive deeper into our fall sermon series, Life Together? We’ll be using Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book by the same title to study and grow together in House Groups. Our first meeting date is September 19. Groups will meet five times in the fall during the faith formation hour, on the weekends, or even a virtual group. Contact Ross Weener (rweener@aacrc.org) with any questions or if you’d like to join a group.

with: Lent & Easter 2021

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021,  marks the beginning of the Lenten season. This day serves as a reminder of our human mortality and the need for reconciliation with God.

Ann Arbor CRC would typically have a family-oriented worship service with communion and imposition of ashes, but this year, we will mark it with an at-home worship liturgy that you are invited to use in your homes: liturgy and playlist.

The Ecumenical Ann Arbor Taize Ash Wednesday worship will be at 7:30pm and is going virtual this year. The worship will be live-streamed on the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor’s Facebook page and YouTube channel or join the zoom link found here. Continue reading