Dear AACRC congregation,

A note from your parish nurse/health ministry…

In this time of a new normal where we are all struggling to find a different footing I have been blessed to read and hear about the many ways God’s people are being a blessing in safe and creative ways.

For most of us this time has forced us to change our pace as we try to figure out new routines…with family, with God, with others.

Thank you for doing your part to keep yourselves, your families, your friends, neighbors, and co-workers safe.

I’m sure many, if not most of us listen to the news and see the number of people affected by Covid-19…it can be quite anxiety producing, especially as we see the number of people hospitalized and who have died. These are sobering numbers and give us pause for thought I would imagine.

I’m sure you are also aware that the ever increasing number has, at least for the time being, put an extraordinary strain on our health care system and the resources needed to meet the needs of those hospitalized.

The way this virus spreads has also necessitated that those hospitalized have no visitors. They must navigate their hospitalization and treatment decisions alone, apart from family and friends. Because of this we would encourage all of you, regardless of age, to begin to have a conversation with your loved ones, your family about your wishes if you were to contract this virus and require hospitalization. We realize this may not be easy or comfortable but it is wiser to think and talk about the “what if’s” before a crisis were to occur rather than in the midst of one.

Can I share with you a verse from John that is helping me to guard my heart and mind as I think about and live through these times? (John 14:27) Jesus says, “I am leaving you a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid”.

The peace of God be with each one of you,

Barb Okonkwo PN