Author: Jen Boes (page 5 of 5)

Connections – April 24

Hi friends,
Hope this finds you and yours doing well, and finding ways to bless others. Enjoy these excerpts from our weekly Connections electronic newsletter for April 24.


After his resurrection but before his ascension, Jesus spent 40 days walking this earth. The New Testament writers show the risen Jesus eating, teaching, assuring, and embracing. And while Christ’s embodied, post-resurrection presence has fascinated the church for millennia, it holds particular power during this time of social distancing. What does it mean that Jesus can both walk through walls and still be physically touched? What can we learn from a resurrected body that still eats food? What comfort might we find in his promise to be with the disciples, even to the very end of the age?

Join us for the next few weeks as we explore the implications of Christ’s bodily resurrection, and how the Holy Spirit enlivens our embodied reality right here and now—even while we grapple with new challenges to being an embodied people and an embodied church.

In-Home Worship

Sunday, April 26
Pastor Ryan Boes
Luke 24:13-35
Pastor Ryan’s sermon will premiere on YouTube at 9:00am. Allow yourself about 20 minutes prior to this start time to move through the liturgy if you want to catch the sermon when it premieres.

Songs & Pastor Ryan’s Message (YouTube)

**Current worship liturgy, and previous Sunday liturgies, is found every week on the AACRC homepage and previous liturgies can be found on the sermons page.

If your children would like to participate and engage by using the new children’s bulletin, it is attached HERE.

Please join us on Sunday @ 9:30am for a Zoom Virtual Fellowship Hall!

AACRC is inviting you to a Fellowship time via a Zoom meeting. We hope you will be able to join us as we greet each other and share how we are doing.

Join Zoom Meeting


A Note from Council:

Sisters and brothers in Christ,

Seven weeks. On Sunday it will have been seven weeks since we last gathered at 1717 Broadway. We miss worshiping in-person together. We miss sharing coffee together. We miss the tangible community that happens when we gather in-person.

On behalf of council, I want to thank each one of you for your faithful giving over these last weeks. At the onset of the stay-at-home order, the finance team shared a number of scenarios with council, each of which, assumed a significant reduction in giving. March and April (so far) giving has far exceeded those projections. Thanks to some cautionary measures and your faithful giving we reduced our deficit to spending during the month of March. If you’d like a detailed financial statement, please reach out to our Treasurer Charlie Aagenas.

This past week we received news that the federal Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan that the church applied for was approved and funded. We anticipate that this loan will become largely forgivable when it comes due in early 2021. These funds will be used to reinstate the church staff who had taken a voluntary furlough in the early days of the COVID-19 crisis. We value each one of our staff members and their contributions to the programming and life of our church. We are grateful for the sacrifice they were willing to make for the good of the church and we are excited to welcome them back (from a distance of six feet, of course!).

Since we have been blessed, we also rejoice in our ability to be a blessing. The PPP loan frees up monetary resources which will allow the church to meet our third quarter obligations to our missionaries and mission partners, many of whom find themselves ministering to people on the front lines of the pandemic. This support will help them to continue to be the hands and feet of God in our part of the world. We will continue to closely monitor our financial situation in conjunction with the Finance Team and be ready to re-evaluate decisions as we obtain more information.

We are also thankful for the ways we continue to be a church even though we are apart. We love the stories about grocery runs, birthdays celebrated, House Groups meetings, and the care of our most vulnerable. We appreciate the work of the pastors and the worship team for making worship accessible from our homes each week. We are excited about the new Thursday morning Bible study (via Zoom) and encourage everyone who is available to join us! We are grateful for the volunteers who continue to support and care for our guests from the rotating shelter program.

We look forward to being together again. In the meantime, may God bless each one of you.

Jaime Ventura, For the Council Leadership Team


Weekly Bible Study: You are invited to join the weekly bible study on Thursdays at 10am. The pastoral staff will be leading this bible study over Zoom. We’d love to have you join us when you can!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 5288 0071
Password: 1717

A thankfulness activity suggestion, shared by our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Mary Admiraal:

I received the Faith Formation newsletter today; a wonderful resource from the denominational office.  The title of this article, “I Wonder If God Is here” caught my attention because, truth be told, our family has wrestled with this question over the last six weeks.  However, I think Mimi Larson’s suggestion “…to look for God in the midst of this hard and terrifying time by keeping a list of the things we are thankful for…” will help my family recognize that God IS always with us.  We have our sticky notes ready and we’ve chosen a special place in our home to post our list so we see it often.  How about you?  If you are participating, please consider sharing your ” thanksgiving thoughts” with the community of faith by sending your pictures to


Continue our tithes and offerings: The AACRC supports many organizations and missionaries that are being directly affected by this pandemic and it is through our offerings and tithes that we can continue to support ourselves and the ministries we are in partnership with. Thank you for continuing to support the good work of God through the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church. Ways to donate:

Rotating Shelter:  Our church continues to provide shelter for several gentlemen (currently 13) from the Delonis Center. We are committed to continuing this through the duration of the “shelter in place” order.  Rachel Bush has compiled a list of ways we can support these men while they are staying at our church. Contact Rachel if you would like to help with any of these items:

  • Volunteer to stay overnight
  • Volunteer to stay during daytime hours
  • Provide monetary donations for groceries
  • Sign up to provide snack bags (More days added!): HERE
  • Donated used men’s clothing and shoes
  • Cook meals or desserts from home
  • Lend DVDs of movies (comedy or action–be sure to label)

Connections – April 17

Hi friends,
Enjoy these excerpts from our weekly Connections electronic newsletter for Friday April 17, 2020.


After his resurrection but before his ascension, Jesus spent 40 days walking this earth. The New Testament writers show the risen Jesus eating, teaching, assuring, and embracing. And while Christ’s embodied, post-resurrection presence has fascinated the church for millennia, it holds particular power during this time of social distancing. What does it mean that Jesus can both walk through walls and still be physically touched? What can we learn from a resurrected body that still eats food? What comfort might we find in his promise to be with the disciples, even to the very end of the age?

Join us for the next few weeks as we explore the implications of Christ’s bodily resurrection, and how the Holy Spirit enlivens our embodied reality right here and now—even while we grapple with new challenges to being an embodied people and an embodied church.

In-Home Worship

Sunday, April 19
Pastor Ryan Boes
John 20:19-31

Pastor Ryan’s sermon will premiere on YouTube at 9:00am. Allow yourself about 20 minutes prior to this start time to move through the liturgy if you want to catch the sermon when it premieres.

Songs & Pastor Ryan’s Message (YouTube)

**This worship liturgy, and previous Sunday liturgies, can also be found on the homepage of our church website and on the sermons page.

If your children would like to participate and engage by using the new children’s bulletin, it is attached HERE.

Please join us on Sunday @ 9:30 am for a virtual Fellowship Hall!

AACRC is inviting you to a Fellowship time via a Zoom meeting. Link in Connections email or from your elder. We hope you will be able to join us as we greet each other and share how we are doing.


New! Weekly Bible Study: Starting next week Thursday (April 23) at 10 am, the pastoral staff will be leading a bible study over Zoom. Watch for an invitation to the study to come from your elder via email.


1. Continue our tithes and offerings: The AACRC supports many organizations and missionaries that are being directly affected by this pandemic and it is through our offerings and tithes that we can continue to support ourselves and the ministries we are in partnership with. Thank you for continuing to support the good work of God through the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church. Ways to donate:

2. Rotating Shelter:  Our church continues to provide shelter for several gentlemen from the Delonis Center.  Rachel Bush has compiled a list of ways we can support these men while they are staying at our church. Contact Rachel if you would like to help with any of these items:

  • Volunteer to stay overnight
  • Volunteer to stay during daytime hours
  • Provide monetary donations for groceries
  • Sign up to provide snack bags: HERE
  • Donated used men’s clothing and shoes
  • Cook meals or desserts from home
  • Lend DVDs of movies (comedy or action–be sure to label)

Updates from Some of Our Ministry Partners:

An Update on the Habitat Build:

All volunteer activities are cancelled at the Habitat build site through the end of April. We will have a meeting on April 27 or 28 to plan how to move forward. We will attempt to reschedule the build dates we have missed due to coronavirus cancellations. There will be new guidelines in place when that happens—smaller build crews, and everyone will bring their own lunches, among them.

Update from Family Life Services during COVID 19:

Family Life Services  is “closed but functioning as best as we can.” We have been able to refer pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to our Medical Director at his office. Our administrative staff is answering the phone and referring needs to the staff. Our nurse and counseling staff are working by phone from home attending to the needs of clients.

We are operating a “drive through” program on Tuesdays and Thursdays to supply material goods (diapers, formula, wipes, thermometers, etc.) to clients who depend on our support. In fact, in the first three weeks, we were able to supply over 4500 diapers to 75 families.

We did have to postpone our March 13th Gala fundraiser – a major source of our income. We’re looking at how to reschedule or replace that event at some future time. In the meantime, we have fewer funds available than we had planned and we still have building, staff, and other normal expenses.

How can you help?

  • Certainly any funding you could share would be great. (You can give through church via My Well Giving online at:
  • We also need material goods – everything from thermometers to the cherished size 6 diapers! Check out the complete list of needs HERE.
  • FLS is looking for someone to help with lawn and grounds maintenance during this crisis.  The lawn is not that big, but if you might know of someone who would be willing to volunteer to help our ministry in that manner, we would be very grateful.

Church office is currently closed–email, mail, and voicemail are checked regularly
Contact Information:  734-665-0105,

Connections – April 10

Hi friends,
Enjoy these excerpts from our Connections electronic newsletter from Friday April 10, 2020. (Sorry this is getting posted a little bit late.) Special thanks to Pastors Kristen, Ryan, and Noah for helping us mark Holy Week with morning devotions, a Maundy Thursday liturgy, live-streamed good Friday service, and thoughtful Easter reflections during this unusual time. (Easter links below)
Christ is Risen!

In-Home Worship for Easter Sunday–April 12

Pastor Ryan Boes
“Kingdom and Cross: Resurrection”
Matthew 28:1-10

Sunday’s Easter sermon by Pastor Ryan will premiere live on YouTube at 9:00am. If you start the liturgy around 8:40 you should find yourself at the sermon right around 9:00.
Songs & Pastor Ryan’s Message (YouTube)

If your children would like to participate and engage by using the new children’s bulletin, it is attached HERE.


Council Briefs

Council came together this past Monday evening at our regularly scheduled time via online conference.

After Pastor Ryan led us in devotions, Leslie Doorlag gave us an update on the rotating homeless shelter we have been hosting. The gentlemen staying at our facility currently have few options and are a severely vulnerable population. Other rotating shelters hosts have canceled out of the schedule, and the COVID-19 situation also has severely limited the places where they can stay during the daytime. For this reason, the deacons have decided to extend the program through the end of April.

The men are very grateful and happy with the situation and are expressing their gratitude in tangible ways by helping around the inside and outside of church.   We as a congregation may have not been able to assemble and worship at the building on Sundays recently, but God is definitely present there in others and is being glorified.

As some of you may have seen in the news, the federal government is offering a Payroll Protection Plan to small businesses (profit and non-profit) in the form of a loan to pay employees. With the approval of council on Monday, our church is applying for a loan to be used primarily towards payroll. The church administration will be using the funds under specific conditions so that most if not all the loan will be forgiven as per the program criteria. At the time of this publication, the application is still in process.

We also would like to thank those who have been faithful in giving during this time. Use of the My Well Giving app and My Well online system for giving has increased significantly lately, and we are grateful for those using that tool or sending in financial gifts in other ways. We continue to ask you to be faithful in your giving to your church and its ministry.

Bill VanderMolen on behalf of Council AACRC

Time for masks

Hey Friends,

Recently the Center For Disease Control (CDC) has recommended that all people wear masks out in public to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. While there is a shortage of masks right now and surgical masks or N-95 respirators need to be reserved for healthcare workers, a few members of our church have shared plans of how to make your own fabric mask at home. This is recommended by some of the health professionals in our church community and is a great way to do something both fun and useful, especially for those who like to do crafty things. This is also a great way to love your neighbor. You can make them for others, including people from our church if you know that they need one.

Mary Linquist has sent a pattern you can find HERE.
Laura Boonstra has shared a pattern you can find HERE.

Getting started…
If you own a sewing machine and have fabric, then you are all set. High-thread count fabric works the best; you want fabric with threads very close together. If you need anything to help you get started, Mary Linquist has offered help in the way of sewing machines, fabric for those that need it, or even help finding a mask that has already been made.

A note on cleaning the masks from Mary L.: “Take the mask off by untying the strings and drop it into a pan of soapy water. Dish soap is fine. The virus has an oily ring which is broken with soap. Then the virus is unprotected and dies. Swish the mask around in the water for a minute or two. Ring it out and lay it out to dry.  If you have an iron, iron the mask part for a minute. Put it by the door ready to be used the next time you go out.”

Holy Week and other updates – April 3

Worship With Us

Palm Sunday

Worship Liturgy for In-Home Worship on Sunday, April 3

Pastor Ryan Boes
I Samuel 16:1-13Matthew 21:1-11

We are doing something special for Palm Sunday! The sermon video will go live in a YouTube premier at 8:30am. This means that you can log on at that time and chat with others in real time as the sermon unfolds! If you begin the order of service at 8:10, you will find yourself at the sermon section at about the right time. See you Sunday!

Songs & Pastor Ryan’s Message (YouTube)

If your children would like to participate and engage by using the new children’s bulletin for Lent, it is attached HERE. We would love to see their work and possibly share it on our website and social media pages. If that’s okay with you, email us pictures to the church office.

Upcoming Services for Holy Week: 

Holy Week: While we cannot gather in person this year for Holy Week devotions, the pastors will host Holy Week devotions by video chat at 7am every morning. Look for an email from your elder with the Zoom link.

For Maundy Thursday, we will be following an at-home liturgy, similar to our Sunday morning services during coronatide. Because of the importance of being physically gathered to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, this year we will focus on Christ’s washing of the disciples’ feet with a Liturgy of Washing.

Good Friday: We invite you to join us on Friday at 2:30pm on Facebook for a live worship stream to mark the last moments of Christ on the Cross. Through scripture, prayer, and mediation, we will remember and reflect on the crucifixion. The video of the worship will be uploaded so those unable to make it at 2:30pm can watch it later.

Grow With Us

God’s Big Easter Story: A Holy Week Journey for Families  provides your family with a simple, meaningful way to grow in faith together as your children recall recent faith formation lesson and remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.  Don’t forget to check out the Easy Extra Ideas at the end of the resource and send us your pictures of a LEGO creation that depicts the story of the day, your resurrection garden, mixing/baking/eating Hot Cross Buns, your Easter banner, or your family singing and signing an Easter song…

Serve With Us

  1. Continue our tithes and offerings: The AACRC supports many organizations and missionaries that are being directly affected by this pandemic and it is through our offerings and tithes that we can continue to support ourselves and the ministries we are in partnership with. You can donate by mailing in a check, through My Well Giving online at, or by downloading the My Well Giving app. Thank you for continuing to support the good work of God through the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church.
  2. Care for one another: COVID-19 affects those over 60 and those with health concerns most critically. Therefore, some have needed to distance themselves from others in this time. We’re looking for people willing to make a grocery run, pick up a prescription, or run an essential errand for those who are most at risk. You can sign up to be a helper by adding your name to the list found in your Connections electronic newsletter. If you have a need you would like assistance with, please contact a pastor or your elder.
  3. UPDATE–Rotating Shelter: Our church building is continuing to be used to house 15 men from the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County while the health department works to secure hotel rooms for them. Rachel Bush is facilitating the ways in which AACRC can help. She has put together a SIGN UP for food donations. You will find directions in the sign-up for dropping off donations. If you would prefer to provide a financial donation, contact Rachel Bush for details. Finally, please pray. These men value your prayers and have felt your support throughout this uncertain time. Thank you for your continued generosity and flexibility! 
  4. Hope Clinic: Hope Clinic is committed to staying open during this time. Please consider their requests HERE. (Hope has two immediate needs: masks for the Dental Clinic and hand sanitizer for entrances, waiting rooms and the food program.) and drop off the items or volunteer your time to help those most affected by stoppages of school and work. If you are unable to personally get out but would like to make a cash donation, that is also welcome at this time!
  5. Finally, the Red Cross is in need of blood as many blood drives have been cancelled. If you feel up to it, please contact the Red Cross and please consider donating blood to help with the shortage.

AACRC Updates – March 27

Hey Friends–

Our life together as the AACRC hasn’t escaped this season of change. It’s been over two weeks since we gathered for worship at 1717 Broadway; our small groups and leadership meetings are happening via Zoom. Also, for the forseeable future, the church office will be closed. Staff will continue to pick up the mail and check the phone messages daily.

But we’re still here. We are still the AACRC, even though we’re in the middle of a serious pivot. Ministry looks different in the middle of a global pandemic, but we are still the AACRC. Leadership continues to engage together about what this ministry pivot looks like. Please continue to be active in prayer, in tithing, and in keeping in touch with each other. Also, continue to read on for ways we can worship together, grow together, and serve together in this season.

Worship With Us

Worship Liturgy for In-Home Worship on Sunday, March 29
Pastor Kristen Livingston


Our pastors have prepared a liturgy along with videos of worship songs and Pastor Kristen’s reflection. Here are the links for all items for this in-home worship service:

Songs & Pastor Kristen’s Message (YouTube)

If your children would like to participate and engage by using the new children’s bulletin for Lent, it is attached HERE. We would love to see their work and possibly share it on our website and social media pages. If that’s okay with you, email us pictures to the church office.

Grow With Us

A life lived as a disciple of Christ is a life dedicating to be a forever learner. We are called into a life where we are shaped more and more into the kingdom people God has called us to be. Here are a couple ways we can continue to grow together even while we keep a safe distance from one another.

  1. House Groups: Have some time on your hands and want to join a House Group? We’re happy to add you right now! Contact Ross Weener. We’ll be reaching out to our House Group facilitators this week and see what electronic options there are to finish our three sessions of reading and learning together.
  2. We Wonder podcast: This podcast has daily prayers, and a weekly bible lesson through lent. It is good for people of all ages to engage. You can find the podcast HERE.
  3. Read: Find a favorite author or theologian that helps you grow in your faith. Reread that favorite book, or venture into new territory. If you don’t know where to start give one of your pastors an email, they’d love to give you a recommendation!

Serve With Us

  1. Continue our tithes and offerings: The AACRC supports many organizations and missionaries that are being directly affected by this pandemic and it is through our offerings and tithes that we can continue to support ourselves and the ministries we are in partnership with. As our church office hours will be variable, we encourage you to mail a check or you can use the My Well Giving app. Thank you for continuing to support the good work of God through the Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church.
  2. Care for one another: COVID-19 affects those over 60 and those with health concerns most critically. Therefore, some have needed to distance themselves from others in this time. We’re looking for people willing to make a grocery run, pick up a prescription, or run an essential errand for those who are most at risk. You can sign up to be a helper by adding your name to the list using the link found in your “Connections” newsletter. If you have a need you would like assistance with, please contact a pastor or your elder.
  3. UPDATE–Rotating Shelter: It is with great sadness and grief that we made the difficult decision to release our volunteers from their Rotating Shelter commitments. This decision was made for the protection and safety of our volunteers and all those involved. We are continuing to offer our building space and resources to the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County (SAWC) to house their guests as needed. If you are still interested in assisting the SAWC, please contact them directly.
  4. NEW NEED! Groceries for Hesed Community Church/Cohort Detroit
    We have the opportunity to help meet an urgent need that has been brought to our attention by our ministry partners from Hesed Community Church and Cohort Detroit. The request is for the AACRC to fill at least 10 boxes filled with food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies. These will be distributed in the Brightmoor and Morningside neighborhoods. Brightmoor and Morningside communities are already in food deserts, and increased food demand means that residents rely even more heavily on food from grocery stores which are raising prices daily, making food even less accessible for residents.Here are the food items for the boxes: 
    Food: Meat (Ground Beef, Chicken), Canned Goods, Milk, Eggs, Bread, Fruit, Snacks/Dessert
    Supplies: Hand Sanitizer, Liquid Hand soap, Tissue, Household cleaning stuff, Toiletries;Please bring your items to the office conference room by Tuesday, March 31st where Nathan Groenewold will pick them up and bring them to these neighborhoods. You may place your freezer, refrigerated items in the fridges upstairs in the kitchen. Thank you for thinking of our neighbors!
  5. Hope Clinic: Hope Clinic is committed to staying open during this time. Please consider their requests HERE. (Hope has two immediate needs: masks for the Dental Clinic and hand sanitizer for entrances, waiting rooms and the food program.) and drop off the items or volunteer your time to help those most affected by stoppages of school and work. If you are unable to personally get out but would like to make a cash donation, that is also welcome at this time!
  6. Finally, the Red Cross is in need of blood as many blood drives have been cancelled. If you feel up to it, please contact the Red Cross and please consider donating blood to help with the shortage

AACRC launches YouTube channel

YouTube Channel Launched and Growing!

Our church has launched a YouTube channel, “Ann Arbor CRC“! Here you can find our in-home worship playlists, Sunday meditations, and the occasional message from our pastors, with more in the works.

Enjoy this story and reflection that Pastor Ryan shared this week.


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